Electronic Products Design:

Here you will find a set of different designs to be used in cards and board games. The main target is to develop electronics easy to build and cheap to produce, with few components and simply microcontrollers. Also we will post the steps of the new designs development in the blog section, to show the evolution of each project and allow to get feedback.

Game Centered:

The cards and board games are our inspiration to develop useful products. They are designed to help in games, to be easy to use and to be fun. All the designs are original with inspirations in these games. The mechanics and gaming logic are also under our focus, so we could create based on them.

The constant growing of board gaming is what brings a lot of opportunities for more designs to be made. We will try to adapt to new game mechanics and needs, always with the user in mind, to serve him with the right design.

Current Projects:

These are the current projects developed or in development:


Our designs can be bought normally at Tindie:

I sell on Tindie

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